Documentary filming at DER SPIEGEL


Between 2013-2017 I was part of the multimedia desk of DER SPIEGEL. We experimented with multimedia storytelling to accompany the print magazine for screens.

A gif of a young girl sailing on the ocean, a skyline of gaza behind her

My responsibilities were the supervision and production of visual stories – video and photo essays and short documentaries that would be featured in DER SPIEGEL Weitwinkel. I wrote concepts, conducted the filming and editing of video documentaries and oversaw post-production, both alone and in larger teams. Part of my assignment was supervising production teams that would work in the field, and produce their stories for the magazine. During this time, I also worked as a speaker and recorded voice overs for explainables and video essays.

My favorite stories were the documentaries on the sale of the Pireus port in Greece, the Maidan revolution in Ukraine, a female sailor in Gaza, and the documenta 15 in Athens (see some of my works here). My work was shortlisted for the Nannen Preis 2016.