Lectures & Presentations

Digital Innovation Urbanism

I presented my research on Digital City Science in lectures, key notes and paper presentations at international Fora, Conferences and Symposia. Those include

  • 2022 Regional Studies Association Winter Conference – London
  • 2022 Mind the Progress: Merging Realities – Hamburg
  • 2022 Hans Böckler Stiftung: Die Post-Corona Stadt Summer School – Schliersee (online)
  • 2022 Die Grüne Hamburg: Aufbruch Kongress – Hamburg
  • 2021 solutions: Kongress für digitale Transformation – Hamburg
  • 2021 Böll Stiftung Hamburg: Gerechte Städte – Hamburg (online)
  • 2021 Die Grüne Hamburg: Wem gehört die Straße? – Hamburg (online)
  • 2020 HfT meets IBA #4: Partizipative Stadtentwicklung – Stuttgart (online)
  • 2020 Innovatives Management 2020 – Lübeck
  • 2020 Hybrid Space Lab: Networked City – Berlin
  • 2020 Digitaler Staat 2020 – Berlin
  • 2019 1st Delta Symposium – Mansoura/EGY
  • 2019 ISPM Conference – Helsinki/FIN
  • 2019 MICADO H2020 Project Consortium Meeting – Bologna/IT
  • 2019 4th Conference of Urban e-Planning — Lisbon/PT
  • 2019 World Government Summit — Dubai/UAE
  • 2018 MIT Media Lab Presentation – Boston Cambridge/USA
  • 2017 RC21 – Leeds/UK
A gif showing a researcher on stage in front of a presentation